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Liquid starters – Type FADA

The liquid starter is a continuously adjustable starter resistor with an electrode system and an electrolyte for changing the resistance.

The design of the concentration and associated resistance change makes it universally applicable and adaptable to the working machine.

Fans, compressors, pumps, cement mills, crushers, test bay systems, shredders, conveyor systems

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Oil roller starters– Type OADAK

The oil roller starter comprises a permanent resistor with individual ohmic cast elements under oil. This resistor is reduced by the switch roller in stages before being short-circuited.

Fans, compressors, pumps, cement mills, crushers

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Oil contactor starters – Type ODAS

The oil contactor starter comprises a permanent resistor with individual ohmic cast elements under oil. This resistance is reduced by the individual switch contactors in stages before being short-circuited with a short-circuit contactor.

Fans, compressors, pumps, cement mills, crushers

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